As a dentist, your days are fairly full in dealing with the patients you already treat, so you may not have much time left for marketing. Yet, there are a few things you can do to help yourself build a brand and market your practice. These tips can help you market your services without taking too much time out of a hectic schedule.

Social Media Ads
The big social media sites have modified their paid advertising services in recent years to make them easier to use. It won’t take you more than 15 minutes to learn about a site’s ad service and fill out the necessary information. Everything is automated and the system analyzes user data, so your ads will reach the consumers you identify. Whether you’re targeting a local area or want to expand to reach a global market, these ads can help.
Call-Only Ads
Google and many other digital advertising platforms now support call only ads. These are ads that only appear on devices equipped to make phone calls. Instead of taking the user to a website, clicking the ad causes the device to make a call to the business. Again, it only takes a few minutes to set up your ad and you’ll be receiving calls from new potential customers in a short time.
Participate in Community Events
Many dentists, such as Karl Jobst Grove OK, take the time to get involved in charitable causes or speak at area events. Getting involved in this way can help your community get to know you and they will begin to view you as an expert. When it’s time to visit a dentist, they will remember your public appearances and seek out your office. This is a great way to reach a broader range of people.
Ask for Patient Reviews
Another great way to reach more potential customers is to ask your existing patients to leave a testimonial on your site or on sites like Yelp. Previous customer reviews have become increasingly popular in recent years. In fact, most consumers will look for reviews of a business to help them decide whether or not to use that business. Offering discounts or other incentives to customers who leave reviews may be a great way to grow your reviews and your business.
Start a Blog
Admittedly, taking the time to write blog entries will require a slightly larger investment of your time, but it’s well worth it. By maintaining a blog, Karl Jobst Grove OK and many other dentists have established themselves as oral care experts to larger audiences. You can build your brand in this way, too. As you write blog posts about issues related to oral care, your website visitors will follow your posts and subscribe to your blog to learn more about oral care topics. This will encourage them to seek out your services when they do need to consult a dentist.
Maintaining a digital presence and using it to build a positive brand image is one of the best ways to market your dental office. Combining your digital presence with community involvement can help you establish yourself as an oral care expert. This will encourage people in your area to seek you out and to refer you to others. In this way, just a little effort in marketing your services can significantly grow your business.